Delay Codes

delay codes

Delay codes die mit 0 beginnen werden für Airline interne Zwecke genutzt.

Airlines können diese Codes frei bestimmen.

Wie auch immer, folgende Codes sind Standard auch wenn manche Airlines ihre eigenen Delay Codes verwenden:

  • 06 (OA): No gate/stand availability due to own airline activity
  • 07: Aircraft connection by maintenance
  • 08: Aircraft connection by miscellaneous, traffic, marketing flight operations, ground handling, cabin services, etc.
  •  09 (SG): Scheduled ground time less than declared minimum ground time

Delay Codes beginnend mit  1 (Passagier/Gepäck)

Diese Codes beschreiben Verspätungensgründe druch Passagiereund Baggage Handling

  •  11 (PD): Late check-in, acceptance of passengers after deadline
  • 12 (PL): Late Check-in, congestion in check-in area
  •  13 (PE): Check-in error
  • 14 (PO): Oversales, booking errors
  • 15 (PH): Boarding, discrepancies and paging, missing checked-in passenger at gate
  • 16 (PS): Commercial Publicity, Passenger Convenience, VIP, Press, Ground meals and missing personal items
  • 17 (PC): Catering order, late or incorrect order given to supplier
  • 18 (PB): Baggage processing, sorting, etc.
  • 19 (PW): Reduced Mobility, Boarding/Deboarding of passengers with reduced mobility

Delay Codes beginnend mit 2 (Fracht/Post)

Diese Codes beschreiben Verspätungsgründe durch Facht (21-26) und Post Handling  (27-29).

  • 21 (CD): Documentation, errors, etc.
  •  22 (CP): Late positioning
  • 23 (CC): Late acceptance
  •  24 (CI): Inadequate packing
  • 25 (CO): Oversales, booking errors
  •  26 (CU): Late preparation in warehouse
  •  27 (CE): Mail Oversales, packing, etc.
  • 28 (CL): Mail Late positioning
  • 29 (CA): Mail Late acceptance

Delay Codes beginnend mit 3 (Handling)

Diese Codes beschreiben Verspätungsgründe durch Flugzeug Handling

  • 31 (GD): Aircraft documentation late or inaccurate, weight and balance (Loadsheet), general declaration, passenger manifest, etc.
  • 32 (GL): Loading, Unloading, bulky/special load, cabin load, lack of loading staff
  • 33 (GE): Loading Equipment, lack of or breakdown, e.g. container pallet loader, lack of staff
  • 34 (GS): Servicing Equipment, lack of or breakdown, lack of staff, e.g. steps
  • 35 (GC): Aircraft Cleaning
  • 36 (GF): Fuelling, Defuelling, fuel supplier
  • 37 (GB): Catering, late delivery or loading
  • 38 (GU): ULD, Containers, pallets, lack of or breakdown
  • 39 (GT): Technical equipment, lack of or breakdown, lack of staff, e.g. pushback

Delay Codes beginnend mit 4 (Technik)

Diese Codes beschreiben Verspätungsgründe durch Technik.

  • 41 (TD): Aircraft defects
  • 42 (TM): Scheduled maintenance, late release
  • 43 (TN): Non-scheduled maintenance, special checks and / or additional works beyond normal maintenance
  • 44 (TS): Spares and maintenance equipment, lack of or breakdown
  • 45 (TA): AOG (Aircraft on ground for technical reasons) Spares, to be carried to another station
  • 46 (TC): Aircraft change for technical reasons
  • 47 (TL): Standby aircraft, lack of planned standby aircraft for technical reasons
  • 48 (TV): Scheduled cabin configuration and version adjustment

Delay Codes beginnend mit 5 (Beschädigungen/Fehler)

Diese Codes beschreiben Verspätungsgründe durch Beschädigung des Flugzeugs und Fehler bei den technischen Einrichtungen.

  • 51 (DF): Damage during flight operations, bird or lightning strike, turbulence, heavy or overweight landing
  • 52 (DG): Damage during ground operations, collisions (other than during taxiing, loading/offloading damage, contamination, towing, extreme weather conditions)
  • 55 (ED): Departure Control System, Check-in, weight and balance (loadcontrol), computer system error, baggage sorting, gate-reader error or problems
  • 56 (EC): Cargo preparation/documentation system
  •  57 (EF): Flight plans
  • 58 (EO): Other computer systems

Delay Codes beginnend mit 6 (Operation)

Diese Codes beschreiben Verspätungsgründe durch Operations und Crew.

  • 61 (FP): Flight plan, late completion or change of flight documentation
  • 62 (FF): Operational requirements, fuel, load alteration
  • 63 (FT): Late crew boarding or departure procedures
  • 64 (FS): Flight deck crew shortage, Crew rest
  • 65 (FR): Flight deck crew special request or error
  • 66 (FL): Late cabin crew boarding or departure procedures
  • 67 (FC): Cabin crew shortage
  • 68 (FA): Cabin crew error or special request
  • 69 (FB): Captain request for security check, extraordinary

Delay Codes beginnend mit 7 (Wetter)

Diese Codes beschreiben Verspätungsgründe durch Wetter.

  • 71 (WO): Departure station
  • 72 (WT): Destination station
  • 73 (WR): En route or Alternate
  • 75 (WI): De-Icing of aircraft, removal of ice/snow, frost prevention
  • 76 (WS): Removal of snow/ice/water/sand from airport/runway
  • 77 (WG): Ground handling impaired by adverse weather conditions

Delay Codes beginnend mit 8 (Air Traffic Control)

Diese Codes beschreiben Verspätungsgründe durch die Air Traffic Control (ATC)

  • 81 (AT): ATC restriction en-route or capacity
  • 82 (AX): ATC restriction due to staff shortage or equipment failure en-route
  • 83 (AE): ATC restriction at destination
  • 84 (AW): ATC restriction due to weather at destination
  • 85 (AS): Mandatory security
  • 86 (AG): Immigration, Customs, Health
  • 87 (AF): Airport Facilities, parking stands, ramp congestion, buildings, gate limitations, …
  • 88 (AD): Restrictions at airport of destination, airport/runway closed due obstruction, industrial action, staff shortage, political unrest, noise abatement, night curfew, special flights, …
  • 89 (AM): Restrictions at airport of departure, airport/runway closed due obstruction, industrial action, staff shortage, political unrest, noise abatement, night curfew, special flights, start-up and pushback, …


Delay Codes beginnend mit 9 (Verschiedenes)

Diese Codes beschreiben Verspätungsgründe verschiedener Art.

  • 91 (RL): Passenger or Load Connection, awaiting load or passengers from another flight. Protection of stranded passengers onto a new flight.
  • 92 (RT): Through Check-in error, passenger and bagage
  • 93 (RA): Aircraft rotation, late arrival of aircraft from another flight or previous sector
  • 94 (RS): Cabin crew rotation
  • 95 (RC): Crew rotation, awaiting crew from another flight (flight deck or entire crew)
  • 96 (RO): Operations control, rerouting, diversion, consolidation, aircraft change for reasons other than technical
  • 97 (MI): Industrial action within own airline
  • 98 (MO): Industrial action outside own airline, excluding ATS
  • 99 (MX): Miscellaneous, not elsewhere specified

PG-collecting excess hand baggage at boarding gate.